Eleanor Byström

Do you and your body know that more is possible for you but...

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Access Bars is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The BARS are a set of 32 points on the head, that when activated by gentle touch eradicate limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns right at the source. As a result, you feel more energized, have greater clarity, and a calm, quiet mind. All while lying down and relaxing. Worst case you’ll feel like you had a great massage, best case your whole life will change. All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory! The tag line of Access Consciousness® is “Empowering People to Know that They Know”. It is designed for you to access your own knowing and your own true potential.You might ask… how do I do that? Come and try an Access BARS session. Today Access Bars is practiced in over 170 countries world wide, used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, schools, businesses, athletes, prison wards, psychologists, artists and many more.



90 Minutes BARS session and clearings


Energetic FaceLift

Access Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate and reverse the appearance of aging on the face, creating similar effects throughout the body. Working with energy that your body have access to through gentle soothing touch to your face/neck. Access Facelift works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. Recommended to book with 30 minute face massage and cupping.


MTVSS Body Process

MTVSS is one of the oldest of the many amazing Access Consciousness® Body Processes. Like all the Access Consciousness®Body Processes, it is very gentle and requires only light touch, without pressure or manipulation of any kind. It feels deeply relaxing, creating a sense of spaciousness in the body that’s often not experienced elsewhere. It stands for Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System. Fortunately, you don’t have to understand that, pronounce it, or remember it to use it. What’s MTVSS good for? It can change all kinds of things in the body that you might not consider possible, especially for those of us steeped in the Western mind and Western medicine. For example, many participants in Access Consciousness® classes have used it to reverse and change conditions in the body including stage 3 bone cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, various arthritic conditions, sports injuries and much more.



Face massage & cupping

Please note, this service is only available as an add-on to a BARS or Energetic FaceLIft session! Gentle Face massage and cupping help revitalize the skin and circulation.


Foot massage

Please note, this service is only available as an add-on to a BARS or Energetic FaceLift session. Foot massage and reflexology. Ground and relax through this relaxing treatment. An ideal compliment to a BARS or FaceLift session.


Pilates & Yoga

Pilates & Yoga Private Session

Together we will asses your body and create a unique program of movement and fun for you and your body. I will adress any areas of your body you desire more freedom and range of movement and we will go from there! No prior experience with Pilates or Yoga is needed. Just a willingness to try something different! Welcome to experiencing the body you're truly meant to embody! We will find easy movements that you can do on your own at home. After one session my goal is empowering you with an easy and effective program, one or two exercises, that you can do in a matter of minutes by yourself at home.


Yoga & Pilates Classes

Saturday Pilates/Yoga Class 9-10.15 at Kulturhuset Ytterjärna in the Julia Room

All levels Yoga&Pilates class on Saturday mornings. 9:00-10:15 Ytterjärnas Kulturhuset in the Julia Room. We have yoga mats but you are welcome to bring your own too.